As an experienced health and social care director I can give you the confidence you will need to ensure that the areas of work you are looking to commission will be in the right hands. I can appreciate that having an external person come into your organisation can feel daunting and somewhat of a lottery if you don’t know them. If you’re looking for someone with extensive experience, the ability to lead and motivate others and get positive outcomes in a timely fashion you have come to the right place.

Who Am I?
I have worked predominately with people with learning disabilities all my life. I am passionate about ensuring individuals’ voices are heard and acted on to support people to take control of their own lives and have ambition for themselves. Quality of life and values are at the heart of all that I do, working through staff to empower them to work in a person centred way is critical to achieving this.
I was awarded an OBE to services for people with learning disabilities

Professional History
My experience covers regulation, strategy, operations and public health, predominately centred on people with learning disabilities. I have worked at a national level for many years but also have experience supporting local organisations to ensure people living out of area move back into their home towns. I have been instrumental in raising the bar of quality and ensuring staff understand what good should look and feel like. Most recently operationally I have led over 2,000 staff across England in a large not for profit organisation.